Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Michael Cassamasse

My favorite movie genre is science fiction, and for television it is drama.
I enjoy science fiction movies because they allow me to escape from the reality of the real world and have fantastic adventures. I imagine myself flying across the universe in an extraordinary space craft and exploring new worlds. TV dramas like heroes. Heroes may be called a sci-fi drama. With ordinary people who develop extraordinary powers and how they deal with those powers in there every day lives. As a young child I would always read comic books and wish I had powers like some of the superheroes. Star wars being a classic sci-fi movie, can also classified as a space opera.

I like cinematic languages like story, visual elements, and acting. First you need to have a good story otherwise I will not be interested at all. A movie with a story I am not interested in, is probably a movie I will not see on my own. Secondly I enjoy over the top special effects. I like things blowing up, I believe every man loves a good explosion, and I am no different. Car chases, gun fights. Once again what guy does not enjoy a good gunfight? Lastly there has to be good acting, nothing kills a movie like horrible acting.

I enjoy good sci-fi movies for there outlook on the future, and what science may bring to use at some point. They have anything from instant teleportation, to flying around space in a space ship or fighting giant space battles. My all time favorite movie is the empire strikes back. I enjoy a good drama on TV for there ability to use drama to tell a compelling story. Something about a good drama just sucks me in. I am not very big on drama in my own life, but on TV I just love it!


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